Calculator – Noise Exposure Limit (3dB Exchange Rate)

Noisy hacking

Depending on the local workplace noise regulations. If the noise criteria for an 8 hrs work-shift is 85 dBA, the duration of permitted exposure per day for 85 dBA is 8hrs.

Every 3dB increase in noise level, would halves the permitted duration. E.g. 88 dBA would have an allowable duration of 4hrs. 91 dBA would have an allowable duration of 2hrs, and so on and so forth. For work shift longer than 8hrs, for example 12hrs, the Time Weighted Average or TWA would have to be determined. Or for a more straight forward measurement, look at the noise dose. 100% is the maximum allowable limit.

Hence in order to comply with the 85dB 8hr criteria, noise dose have to be within 100%. 85dB-8hrs: 100%, 88dB-4hrs: 100%. Try the noise dose calculator below.

Noise Dose Calculator

Leq (dBA)Worker’s exposure duration (minutes)Dose (%)