BGI OMNITM FT Ambient Air Sampler
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) encourages state and local air monitoring groups to
conduct short-term multi-site pollutant monitoring studies using non-reference method, small
portable samplers.
The concept is to “saturate” an area with easily deployed, inexpensive filter samplers, to assess air
quality in areas with high concentrations of pollutants or at reclamation sites. BGI has brought this
approach to its ultimate development with the addition of a true 5 liter per minute (LPM) inlet.
The additional data acquired using saturation samplers helps air pollution control agencies to
evaluate their monitoring networks consistent with requirements in 40 CFR Part 58.
– Fence Line Monitoring
– Remediation Projects
– Saturation and Spacial Testing
– Remote Location Monitoring
– Indoor Air Quality
– International Applications
- miniPM™ Multi-cut Inlet, for TSP, PM10, PM2.5, PM1 and PM4
- Inlet is verified by Health and Safety Executive (HSE) air sampling standards for entry bias
ensuring reference method data quality
- Light weight and field portable (< 5 lbs.)
- Power: AC, DC and solar
- Runs for up to 48 hours on internal DC battery
- Default configuration is PM10
Flow Rate : 5 LPM (± 1%)
Temp. Operational Range : -30° C to 50° C
Temp. Reading Range : -30° C to 50° C (±0.5° C)
Barometric Pressure Range : 400 to 800 mm of Hg (± 5mm)
Dimensions: Control Module : 8.50 in high x 7.00 in wide X 5.75 in deep
21.59 cm (High) x 17.78 cm (wide) x 14.60 cm (deep)
Weight : 9.0 lbs (4.08 kg)
Inlet: Dimensions : 3.25 in max dia, (8.25 cm) 7.5 in high (19.05 cm)
Weight : 0.77 lbs (.35 kg)
Part No
1) BGI Model 5004 – OmniFT w/ miniPM Inlet & 5 Jet Set
2) BGI Model 5012 – OmniFT Sampler w/ Power Supply
BGI OMNITM FT Ambient Air Sampler Brochures

BGI OMNITM FT Ambient Air Sampler Manual