PQ200 Ambient Air Particulate Sampler
The BGI PQ200 FRM Sampler uses BGI pioneering technology to meet and exceed the requirements
for ambient particulate sampling dictated by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency. This includes
the design of reliable PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 Inlets, volumetric sample flow rate control, data
logging and software for report and data processing.
- Portable sampler for TSP, PM10, PM2.5, PM Coarse, and PM1
- EPA Reference Method for PM10 sampling (Designation No. RFPS-1298-125)
- EPA PM2.5 Reference Method sampler (Designation No. RFPS-0498-116)
- EPA PM Coarse approved sampler
- Only designated reference sampler capable of a 24 hour run on internal built-in 12 volt
battery. Internal battery provides power during AC power outages meaning you never have
sample interruptions. - Ordered by EPA as the PEP Audit Reference Method
- Only designated Reference Method sampler with solar power option
- Optional solar panel can allow for indefinite operation without charging or connection to an
AC power source
Part No
1) BGI Model PQVSCC – PQ200 Sampler – PM2.5 w/ VSCC
2) BGI Model PQ200 – PM10 PQ200 Sampler – PM10
3) BGI Model PQ200TSP – PQ200 Sampler – TSP